Saturday, March 8, 2008

We aten't dead!

Sorry, still getting into the swing of blogging....

Anyway, the past posts haven't given much of a realistic impression of what we've been actually up to the past couple of weeks! We certainly have not been sitting around the apartment the whole time (speaking of which, I need to post some apartment pics soon). We've been spending quite a bit of time exploring our neighborhood (Sukhumvit Sois 3-11), and going a little further afield. Last Saturday, for example, we took a trip down to the river to see the National Museum.

This weekend, we are sticking a bit closer to home, because Josh is getting over a sinus infection. We've been taking advantage of a service called Food by Phone (, which delivers from a whole bunch of local restaurants. Last night we had Thai food from a well-known place called Cabbages and Condoms (it was started by the PDA, Thailand's equivalent of Planned Parenthood, and all profits from the restaurant go back to the organization. The food is "guaranteed not to make you pregnant"!) Tonight we ordered from an excellent Lebanese restaurant down the street. Over the past week we've actually gone out a whole bunch, from German to Indian to Tex-Mex places, and we've enjoyed trying some foods from the street vendors as well, from chaa nom yen (known in the US as "Thai iced tea") to fresh sliced guava.

Thailand's food culture is really unique-- the street food is some of the best eating in the country! I knew that when we came, but I didn't expect the huge range of really good restaurants of other types as well. The German Bierhaus just around the corner rivals Das Waldcafe (for those of you from Newport News). Best of all is the price-- a meal on the street will cost 25-30 baht (about $1), and an "expensive" meal out will cost a bit under 1000 baht (around $30) for both of us together.

We'll try to get some pictures of the neighborhood up soon-- we just keep forgetting the camera when we go out!

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